Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Wish I Had More Time To...Read

Let's face it.  I miss reading.

Ever since I was a small child, reading has been one of my favorite things to do.  Like breathing, I can't do without it.  But for the past few years, I haven't had as much time to read as I've had in the past.

Oh, I still read.  And my Kindle is loaded with books, just waiting for me to find some spare time.  I finally took the time to create categories for all my ebooks.  There are 16 of them.  Romance has the most, and Classics comes in at a close second.  That's just my Kindle and doesn't count the multiple bookcases I have or the boxes of book that are stored at my ex's farm. I even have a large box of books I've been carting around in the back of the trunk of my car for well over a year.  My plan was to take them to the Art Museum for the book fair at the annual river festival.  They still haven't made it there.

I'm a sucker for used book sales, no matter where.  I use the library, especially during the summer, when I take the grandkids each week.  I can spend hour upon hour in a bookstore, and would spend a fortune, if I had one.

But reading time is limited, what with my own writing, website design, family and friends.  I've tried to build in some reading time by leaving early to pick up my grandkids at school each weekday.  It gains me about twenty minutes, but that's really only enough to whet my appetite.  Sometimes, if I haven't had to stay up late working, I'll read in bed.  But too often, that leads to that drowsy feeling, and after reading the same paragraph more than three times, I know it's time to put book away.

Not only do I love to read, but I've tried to instill that same love of books in my children and grandchildren.  Not everyone is a reader, but I believe everyone can become one, if the right books are found to read.  And if reading is problem, there are always books on tape, so anyone can enjoy the world of words.

Maybe someday, when life slows down and there's time for the best things in life, I'll have the chance to read more.  Until then, I'll simply have to find a way to carve out another hour or two...or three or four...a day to enjoy my favorite pastime.  One can dream, right?
Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.  ~ Charles W. Eliot

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